The classes of 1943-1947 of George Washington High School, which was the City's sole white high school, erected a monument out front commemmorating those students who died in the war. The monument still sits in front of what now serves as George Washington Middle School.
I am here providing very brief biographies of the fifteen from the Del Ray area. The biographies are necessarily short, in light of their brief lives, but I wanted folks to see them as real people, not just names carved in granite.

Elmer Bartlett of East Randolph
Douglas Drake of East Windsor Ave
George DuFrane Jr of East Monroe Ave
Samuel Fleming of East Howell Ave
Robert Gills of East Mt Ida Ave
Herbert Grimm of East Howell Ave
Robert Rumshin of Mt Vernon Ave
Stephen Schlosser of Ramsey St
Joseph Tull of East Windsor Ave
Note: There were no Black families living in Del Ray at the time, and hence no losses from this part of Alexandria.
World War Two Losses
The Price of Victory in Del Ray