George Jr was born in Buffalo in January 1920 and moved with his parents, George Sr and Theresa, sister Dorothy and brother John to Alexandria in 1937. They moved initially to 131 Monroe Ave, and then bought 314 E Monroe in 1939. Because of the move George attended only his senior year at GWHS, graduating with the class of 1939. The yearbook noted that he planned to attend night school to pass the bar exam and that “his blue eyes and brown hair will be a constant threat to the ladies of the jury”.
For unknown reasons those plans seem to have gone awry, for as soon as he graduated he joined the Army instead. Nothing is known of his military service except that he was still a private in 1944 and assigned to the 15th Infantry Regiment, a component of the 3rd Division. He was killed in action on 23 May 1944 in Italy, and was buried in the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery at Nettuno.

World War Two Losses
George Francis DuFrane Jr.